What the Plain Packaging for Cigarettes Movement Should Tell You

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What the Plain Packaging for Cigarettes Movement Should Tell You

selective focus image of packet of cigarettes

The headlines were filled with talk of a ‘plain packaging’ movement in the tobacco industry.  The UN started the push, encouraging federal governments to further regulate tobacco sales by making plain packaging a law.  Rather than seeing the bright, bold, colorful package printing that is currently in use for tobacco products, manufacturers would be required to sell their cigarettes in plain, solid color wrappers.

Why would the UN and countries like Australia, Canada, France, and the UK jump on board so eagerly with such a plan?

According to recent reports, tobacco products, like cigarettes, are still in high demand, and are still appealing to younger generations.  Smoking kills more than six million people annually, so it is a problem that needs to be addressed.  Limiting the options of the packaging designers may be enough to cut down on cigarette sales.

World leaders in favor of this decision site the fact that the current packaging appeals to young shoppers.  They are brightly colored, attractively design packages that draw the eye, and, therefore, the interest of the younger generations.  By mandating that tobacco products be sold in solid, unattractive plastic pouches, boxes, or tins, it is possible that the sales figures could drop off, essentially saving lives in the process.

There is a message here that shouldn’t be missed by food- and packaging manufacturers.  The right label, the right flexible packaging really can attract the eye of the consumer and it can increase the likelihood of a purchase.  Furthermore, you can design your packaging to appeal to a particular audience, and that packaging can lead to increased sales, a generation of future buyers, and a better bottom line.

So, while the UN and federal governments determine how tightly the tobacco industry should be regulated, you can be working on your own pouch packaging, ensuring that you make the most of appealing design.